Mobile Master IAP
[Note] Please use the new Mobile IAP (Pro) plugin which supports the latest In-App Purchases, In-App Subscriptions, In-App Billing and Store Kit.
The Mobile Master IAP plugin is specifically designed to implement complete In-App Billing, In-App Purchases and In-App Subscriptions features in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3 and Construct 2.
The Mobile Master IAP has support for purchases, subscriptions and server-validation with data credentials, in which this plugin is first to release such features in both Construct 3 and Construct 2.
The Mobile Master IAP supports both Construct 3 editor and Construct 2 editor, initially developed in Construct 2. It has full support of all essential features in both the Android and iOS SDK.


The Construct Master Collection supports the full and easy integration of native mobile Android SDKs and iOS SDKs for both Construct 3 and Construct 2.
Please click here to learn more about Mobile.
The Mobile Master IAP plugin is specifically designed to implement complete In-App Billing, In-App Purchases and In-App Subscriptions features in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3 and Construct 2.
The Mobile Master IAP has support for purchases, subscriptions and server-validation with data credentials, in which this plugin is first to release such features in both Construct 3 and Construct 2.
Here are some of the native features of the mobile plugin:
Free trial
Free subscriptions
Paid subscriptions
Restore purchases
Store details
Product details, including international currency.
Localized product details, including local currency.
Transaction receipts
Server validation features
Fingerprint support, and other sensors.
PDF documentation included.
For more information about native mobile or Android and iOS features, please click here to learn the introductory lessons to Mobile.
Platform Integration
Here are some of the platforms that are natively supported:
Native Android
Native iOS
Build Support
Here are some of the supported build options:
Construct 3 Build Service
Android Studio
Editor Features
Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:
Construct 3
Construct 2
How to use?
It is easy to use the Mobile Master IAP plugin, you will only need to follow the steps below.
1. The first step is to add the Mobile Master IAP object into the project.

2. If the application is for Android, create a manifest.json or import the prepared one in the plugin documentation.

The manifest.json should contain the key "play_store_key", then set the value "<your_public_key>", fill in your own app public key.

Skip this step for iOS projects.
As of now, there is no way to make this easier in this plugin. However, there is now the new and better Mobile Billing plugin that no longer requires this step.
3. The Mobile Master IAP also requires you to fully configure your Google Developer Console to properly work. This includes the store listing, default pricing, localized pricing, etc. The project also needs to be in its released state, even if just on the beta release phase. Otherwise, any attempts to purchase or subscribe to any product in your application will launch an error.
4. To test purchases, it is important to add your account to your application's testing group. Your Google Account that has the Google Developer Console in which the project is owned, is automatically a tester account. 5. If the purchase or subscribe dialog popup shows the product is not available for this user or application, then please check if your in-application products are available to your current country location set in your Google Account. And, if the local price for that country is set in your Google Developer Console. Additionally, check if instruction #4 above is also properly set.
6. Lastly, from the plugin properties. If the Debug Mode property is enabled, the plugin will log errors in the debug console.

The debugging logs are available in different debug consoles, including the Android Studio, Xcode, Chrome Developer Tools - Console and Safari's Web Inspector.
There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.
User Manual
The Mobile Master IAP has a built-in user manual, you can read it to learn more. The manual is not a replacement for the Google Developer documentation or the Apple Developer documentation, it is of utmost importance to reads those too, including all regulations and policies. We will not be liable to any violation or malpractice use of each plugin, it is always the account holder whom agreed to the use of each platform's service. Therefore, we highly recommend reading the official documentations, policies, regulations and terms of each platform.

Actions, Conditions & Expressions

The following action groups:
App Sync
Initialize - Initialize after all the products and subscriptions are installed. Initialize all before continuing further.
Install Product - Install the product to be listed for initialization. Install before initializing.
Product ID - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
Product Type - Type of product. Consumables are products that can be bought again.
Install Subscription - Install the subscription to be listed for initialization. Install before initializing.
Product ID - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
Purchase - Purchase the product.
Product ID - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
Subscribe - Subscribe the product.
Product ID - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
App Sync
Restore Purchases - Restore the unconsumed products that were bought.
The following condition groups:
App Sync
Monetization : Purchase
Monetization : Subscription
Monetization : Universal

On Initialize Succeeded - Triggered when the initialization process from installing the products has succeeded.
On Initialize Failed - Triggered when the initialization process from installing the products has failed.
Is Initialized - Checks if the initialization process from installing the products has already been completed.
App Sync
On Restore Succeeded - Triggered when a restore purchases attempt has succeeded.
On Restore Failed - Triggered when a restore purchases attempt has failed.
On Error - Triggered when an error occurs. The Expression 'ErrorMessage' will return the error message.
Monetization : Purchase
On Purchase Succeeded - Triggered when a purchase attempt has succeeded.
On Purchase Failed - Triggered when a purchase attempt has failed.
Compare Purchase Product ID - "On Purchase Succeeded" or "On Purchase Failed", a Purchase attempt
Product ID - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
Monetization : Subscription
On Subscription Succeeded - Triggered when a subscription attempt has succeeded.
On Subscription Failed - Triggered when a subscription attempt has failed.
Compare Subscription Product ID - "On Subscription Succeeded" or "On Subscription Failed", a Subscription attempt
Product ID - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
Monetization : Universal
For Each Product - Loop through all the installed in-app purchase products.
Has Paid Product - Check if a Non-Consumable Product or a Subscription is bought or active.
Product ID - The Product ID enlisted from the store.

The following expression groups:
Initialization : Recent
Initialization : Get Data
Initialization : For Each
Validation : Get Data
Purchase / Subscription
errorMessage - Return the Error Message from the Mobile IAP plugin when the 'On Error' is triggered.
Initialization : Recent
recentPurchaseProductID - Return the recent Purchase Product ID that was attempted. "" if null.
recentSubscriptionProductID - Return the recent Subscription Product ID that was attempted. "" if null.
Initialization : Get Data
getProductTitle - Return the Product Title from a Product ID. "" if null.
"ProductID" - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
getProductDescription - Return the Product Description from a Product ID. "" if null.
"ProductID" - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
getProductCurrency - Return the Product Currency from a Product ID. "" if null.
"ProductID" - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
getProductLocalizedPrice - Return the Product Localized Price from a Product ID. "" if null.
"ProductID" - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
getProductDecimalPrice - Return the Product Decimal Price from a Product ID. '-1' if null.
"ProductID" - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
getProductType - Return the Product Type. '0' for Non-Consumables, '1' for Consumables and '2' for Subscriptions. '-1' if null.
"ProductID" - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
Initialization : For Each
loopProductID - Return the loop Product ID from a 'For Each Product'. "" if null.
Validation : Get Data
getTransactionID - Return the purchase/subscription transaction/order id.
"ProductID" - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
getReceipt - Return the purchase/subscription receipt. On iOS it will be the base64 string of the receipt, on Android it will be a string of a json with all the transaction details required for validation.
"ProductID" - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
getSignature - Return the purchase/subscription signature. On Android it can be used to consume a purchase. On iOS it will be an empty string.
"ProductID" - The Product ID enlisted from the store.
Purchase / Subscription
curTransactionID - Return the transaction/order id from the current purchase/subscription.
curReceipt - Return the receipt from the current purchase/subscription.
curSignature - Return the signature from the current purchase/subscription.
curProductID - Return the product id from the current purchase/subscription.
The Mobile Master IAP plugin is specifically designed to implement complete In-App Billing, In-App Purchases and In-App Subscriptions features in both Android and iOS, for games built using Construct 3 and Construct 2.
The Mobile Master IAP has support for purchases, subscriptions and server-validation with data credentials, in which this plugin is first to release such features in both Construct 3 and Construct 2.
Game Projects
Instructions Kit

Instructions - The game project contains instructions and steps on how to use the addon and its features.
Action, Conditions and Expressions - It covers the implementation of each action, condition and expression.
Tips and Tricks - It provides some tips and tricks on the recommended ways of using the addon.