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AI Behavior

The AI behavior is specifically designed to extend the editor and engine to implement artificial intelligence for object instances with function based syntax, for games built in Construct 3 and Construct 2.

Features include nod, option and intelligence report decision making for the object instances, achieving player-like decisions for game application bots.

The AI behavior implements artificial intelligence for object instances, which is useful for game application bots and artificially intelligent object instances.

Warning! This behavior is already deprecated, please use the new AI behavior, which is the updated version.

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The Construct Master Collection has plugins that extends the editor and engine features of both Construct 3 and Construct 2.

Please click here to learn more about Game.


The AI behavior is specifically designed to extend the editor and engine to implement artificial intelligence for object instances with function based syntax, for games built in Construct 3 and Construct 2.

Features include nod, option and intelligence report decision making for the object instances, achieving player-like decisions for game application bots.

The AI behavior implements artificial intelligence for object instances, which is useful for game application bots and artificially intelligent object instances.

Here are some of the game features of the game plugin:

  • Artificial Intelligence for game bot instances.

  • Various decision based methods of artificial thinking.

  • Intelligence report decision making.

  • Intelligence option decision making.

  • Nod (true or false) decision making.

  • Decision processing tools

  • Decision reading tools

  • Function based design of decision making event creation.

  • Expression based decision making support in event creation.

  • Light and efficient artificial intelligence algorithms.

  • Adjustable instance intelligence, variable for game bot difficulty.

  • Scalable with the Construct 3 and Construct 2 engines, supporting thousands of objects and object instances with no performance overhead.

  • Performance tested, blazing fast and efficient, with no performance overhead.

  • Well maintained and fully tested for production release.

For more information about game project features, please click here to read the introductory lessons to Game.

Platform Integration

Here are some of the platforms that are natively supported:

  • All platforms supported by Construct 3.

  • All platforms supported by Construct 2.

  • Web

  • Mobile Web

  • Desktop

  • Android

  • iOS

Build Support

Here are some of the supported build options:

  • Web

  • Desktop

    • NW.js

    • Windows (WebView2)

    • macOS (WKWebView)

  • Mobile

  • Construct 3 Build Service

  • Facebook Instant Games

  • Playable Ad

  • Construct Arcade

Editor Features

Here are some of the features in the Construct editor:

  • Construct 3

  • Construct 2


How to use?

It is easy to use the AI behavior, you will only need to follow the steps below.

1. The first step is to add any world object in your Construct 3 or Construct 2 project. Then place a world object instance in a layout.

  • Object in Construct 3 or Construct 2 is an entity you can see in your project bar, specifically in the Object types folder.

2. The second step is to click the Edit Behaviors button in the newly added object's properties. This will launch the Object behaviors dialog of the currently selected world object instance.

3. The third step is to click the Add new behavior button in the newly launched Object behaviors dialog.

4. Finally, add the AI behavior, to include its features in the currently selected object and its object instances.

5. You can also set the new plugin properties of the object instances.

  • Intelligence - is a percentage value from 0 to 100. It determines the intelligence of an instance, or accuracy in making decisions. An instance's decision accuracy varies from ​​its intelligence.

For more information about the AI behavior's properties, please refer to the Properties Section far below to learn more.



There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.

Related Plugins

  • Self Function - is a plugin that implements functions on objects and its instances, for easy instance method calls and sub-classing. This is to extend the object's features and create behaviors using only the event sheet, without having to write JavaScript or an addon. It is a useful feature to use with the AI behavior.

Replacement Plugins

  • AI - is the new and improved behavior for artificial intelligence. Please use this latest behavior for new projects. The AI behavior is specifically designed to extend the editor and engine to implement artificial intelligence for object instances, for games built in Construct 3 and Construct 2.


Actions, Conditions & Expressions


The following action groups:

  • Decision Making

  • Option Decision

  • Intel Report Decision

Decision Making

  • Decide - Request a decision now. Response will be received on 'On Decision'.

    • Decision Name - Decision Name of the decision plan.

    • Decision Type - Nod for true/false and Option for selection and Intel Report for analysis.

  • Set Intelligence - Set the object instance intelligence. '100' is absolute Accurate, while '0' is absolute Random.

    • Intelligence Percentage - Value of '0' to '100'.

True or False

  • Plan Nod Decision - Make a nod decision plan with a unique name. The Nod Decision Percentage determines the success rate.

    • Decision Name - Decision Name for this decision plan.

    • Confidence Percentage - Value of '0' to '100'.

  • Update Nod Confidence - This will set the confidence percentage of a nod decision plan.

    • Decision Name - Decision Name of the decision plan.

    • Confidence Percentage - Value of '0' to '100'.

Option Decision

  • Add an Option - Make an option with a unique name.

    • Option Name - Option Name for the decision plan.

    • Confidence Percentage - Value of '0' to '100'.

  • Plan Option Decision - Make an option decision plan with a unique name. The Option Decision Percentage determines the success rate.

    • Decision Name - Decision Name for this decision plan.

  • Update Option Confidence - This will set the confidence percentage of an option decision plan.

    • Decision Name - Decision Name of the decision plan.

    • Option Name - Option Name from the decision plan.

    • Confidence Percentage - Value of '0' to '100'.

  • Insert an Option - Add an option with a unique name.

    • Decision Name - Decision Name of the decision plan.

    • Option Name - Option Name for the decision plan.

    • Confidence Percentage - Value of '0' to '100'.

  • Remove an Option - Remove an option with a unique name.

    • Decision Name - Decision Name of the decision plan.

    • Option Name - Option Name for the decision plan.

Intelligence Report

  • Make an Intel Report - Make an intel report with a unique name.

    • Intel Report Name - Intel Name for the decision plan.

    • Confidence Percentage - Value of '0' to '100'.

  • Plan Intel Decision - Make an intel decision plan with a unique name and reports list. The Intel Decision Percentage determines the success rate.

    • Intel Decision Name - Intel Decision Name for this decision plan.

    • Intel Reports - Separate Report Names by '|'.

  • Update Intel Report Confidence - This will set the confidence percentage of an intelligence report.

    • Intel Report Name - Intel Name for the decision plan.

    • Confidence Percentage - Value of '0' to '100'.


The following condition groups:

  • Option Decision

  • Intelligence Report

  • Nod Decision

Option Decision

  • On Option Decision - Triggered when the Object has made an option decision.

  • Compare Option Decision Name - Compare the name of the option decision. Use to filter option decisions.

    • Decision Name - A String of the decision's name.

  • Compare Option Name - Compare the name of the option. Use to filter option names.

    • Option Name - A String of the option's name.

  • For Each Options - Go Through All Options on option decision. Retrieve the option names and percentages by expressions.

Intelligence Report

  • On Intel Report Decision - Triggered when the Object has made an intelligence decision.

  • Compare Intel Report Decision Name - Compare the name of the intelligence decision. Use to filter intelligence decisions.

    • Decision Name - A String of the decision's name.

  • Has Intel Report Name - Check intelligence report names if present in an intelligence decision.

    • Report Name - A String of the report's name.

  • For Each Report - Go Through All Reports on intelligence report decision. Retrieve the report names and percentages by expressions.

  • Compare Intelligence Percentage - Analyze the decision by percentage. Compare value from '0' to '100'.

    • Compare by - A Comparator for the intelligence nod decision percentage.

    • Compare to - The comparing value to the intelligence nod decision percentage.

  • Is an Intelligent Decision - Analyze the intelligence decision as a boolean. '0' to '50' is false and '51' to '100' is true.

Nod Decision

  • On Nod Decision - Triggered when the Object has made a nod decision.

  • Compare Nod Decision Name - Compare the name of the nod decision. Use to filter nod decisions.

    • Decision Name - A String of the decision's name.

  • Compare Nod Percentage - Analyze the decision by percentage. Compare value from '0' to '100'.

    • Compare by - A Comparator for the nod decision percentage.

    • Compare to - The comparing value to the nod decision percentage.

  • Is Nod Decision - Analyze the nod decision as a boolean. '0' to '50' is false and '51' to '100' is true.


The following expression groups:

  • Decision Making

  • Option Decision

  • Intelligence Report

  • Nod Decision

  • Option Decision : For Each

  • Intelligence Report : For Each

Decision Making

  • relativePercentage - Return the relative percentage from 2 opposing values, the first value being the base of comparison. '-1' if null.

    • CompareFrom - The Percentage to compare the value from.

    • CompareTo - The Percentage to compare the value to.

Option Decision

  • recentOptionDecisionPercentage - Return the option decision percentage on option decision. '-1' if null.

  • recentOptionDecisionName - Return the option decision name on option decision. '' if null.

  • recentOptionName - Return the option name on option decision. '' if null.

Intelligence Report

  • recentIntelDecisionPercentage - Return the option decision percentage on option decision. '-1' if null.

  • recentIntelDecisionName - Return the option decision name on option decision. '' if null.

Nod Decision

  • recentNodDecisionPercentage - Return the nod decision percentage on nod decision. '-1' if null.

  • recentNodDecisionName - Return the nod decision name on nod decision. '' if null.

Option Decision : For Each

  • loopOptionPercentage - Return the for each option percentage on option decision. '-1' if null.

  • loopOptionName - Return the for each option name on option decision. '' if null.

Intelligence Report : For Each

  • loopIntelReportPercentage - Return the for each intel report percentage on intel decision. '-1' if null.

  • loopIntelReportName - Return the for each intel report name on intel decision. '' if null.

Object   Properties

Plugin Properties

The following property groups:

  • Default


  • Intelligence - Intelligence percentage of the object instance. '0' to '100' value, accurate to random.​



There is currently nothing to show, we will add more in the future.

Game Projects

Game Projects 

Instructions Kit


  • Instructions - The game project contains instructions and steps on how to use the addon and its features.

  • Action, Conditions and Expressions - It covers the implementation of each action, condition and expression.

  • Tips and Tricks - It provides some tips and tricks on the recommended ways of using the addon.



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